Journal of Community Empowerment and Development (JCED)
- Building Capacity and Advancing Knowledge: To provide a platform for emerging scholars and practitioners in social sciences and social development, fostering knowledge exchange and contributing to capacity-building in both academic and practitioner communities.
- Encouraging Interdisciplinary Dialogue: To foster collaboration and exchange of ideas across various disciplines within the social sciences, promoting cross-cutting research that addresses complex social issues from multiple perspectives.
- Disseminating Policy-Relevant Research: To publish research that is relevant to policymakers, development practitioners, and civil society organizations, bridging the gap between academic research and practical application.
- Facilitating Critical Analysis: To encourage critical analysis of contemporary social issues, promoting debate and discussion that challenges existing paradigms and offers innovative solutions for societal advancement.
- Supporting Social Change: To engage with research that aims to understand and address inequalities, social injustices, and developmental challenges, ultimately contributing to social transformation and sustainable development.
Sub- editor – Ms. M.A.F. Shahila
Editorial Board
- Senior Professor K. Amirthalingam
- Professor Kumudu Karunarathne
- Dr. Anusha Edirisinghe
- Ms. Nimali Vineeshiya
- Mr. Rajistha Seneviratna
- Ms. Fathima Shana
- Ms. Luxshe Hariharan
- Ms. Niluka Wijebandara
- Ms.Yamuna Samarakoon
- Mr. Thamara Darshana
- Ms. T.M.F Wazeema
- Mr.Jagath Kusumsiri
- Literature reviews
- Studies based on filed research
- Project-based experiences
- Working papers
- Case studies
General Secretary,
Foundation of Innovative Social Development,
95/10, Bodhiya road, Mirihana, Nugegoda,
Sri Lanka
[email protected]
Journal of Community Empowerment and Development (JCED)
The Journal of Community Empowerment & Development (JCED) is a peer-reviewed academic e-journal published by FISD. It is dedicated to promoting community empowerment and development through research, knowledge-sharing, and collaboration. The journal serves as a platform for scholars, academics and practitioners to share their insights, research findings, and project-based experiences.
The journal accepts the following types of submissions:
- Literature reviews
- Field-based research studies
- Project-based experiences
- Working papers
- Case studies
Manuscript Structure
- Declaration Page: Includes the title of the paper, names and affiliations of all authors, and the corresponding author’s email and contact number.
- Title: Includes the title of the paper, along with the name, affiliation, and email address of the author(s).
- Abstract: A single paragraph, not exceeding 350 words. Should summarize the objective(s), methodology, and significant findings/conclusions, with 3 to 5 keywords.
- Introduction: Describes the objectives and background of the study, with references where applicable.
- Methodology: Details the methods and procedures followed in the study.
- Results and Discussions: Presents results clearly and interprets data logically. Only essential data should be included in tables, avoiding repetition.
- Conclusion: Includes all new conclusions. If previous findings are revised, proper references should be included.
- References: Must follow APA (7th ed.) formatting style.
- Tables and Figures: Should be numbered sequentially using Arabic numerals and accompanied by self-explanatory captions. Titles should be no more than 10 words.
- Illustrations, Drawings, and Photographs: Must be clear, appropriately numbered, captioned, and ready for reproduction. They should be of sufficient size and appropriate thickness.
- Acknowledgements: [Insert details on acknowledgments if needed].
- Acronyms and Abbreviations: These should be spelled out when first used, with the acronym or abbreviation in brackets.
General Format
- Languages: Manuscripts may be submitted in English, Sinhala, or Tamil.
- Font: English – Times New Roman; Sinhala – Iskoola Potha, FM Abhaya; Tamil – Kalaham, Baamini.
- Font Size: 12 pt, justified alignment.
- Page Numbering: Bottom-right corner in Arabic numerals.
- Title: Bold, font size 14.
- Subheadings: Times New Roman, size 12, bold, left-aligned.
- Paper Size: A4.
- Margins: 25 mm for top, bottom, and right margins; 30 mm for the left margin.
- Line Spacing: 1.5.
- Length: Manuscripts should not exceed 15 typed pages, including text, tables, figures, and references.
- Word Limit: 3000 – 3500.
Submission of Manuscripts
- Manuscripts are accepted for editorial review with the understanding that they are original works and have not been previously published, submitted, or accepted for publication elsewhere. If a manuscript is accepted, it cannot be republished in the same form, in any language, without the prior consent of the Editorial Board.
- Manuscripts must be submitted in both MS Word and PDF formats, electronically to [email protected]
- A completed and signed Author Responsibility Statement must accompany the submission.
- The manuscript should be submitted with the duly filled and signed Author Responsibility Statement.
Copyright notice
Authors retain copyright over their work, but by submitting to the journal, they grant the journal the right to publish, reproduce, and distribute the article.
Submissions will be thoroughly checked for plagiarism, false data, and other ethical concerns. Any manuscript found to have these issues will be rejected in the initial review.
Responsibility Statement
The author(s) must take responsibility for the accuracy and integrity of all data, information, and critical content within the paper.
Ethical Compliance
The manuscript must adhere to the policies of the institution, the laws of the country, and respect cultural, religious, and social norms to maintain harmony.
Note: The research paper must not violate the policies of the organization, rules and regulations of the country or cultural and religious norms or social harmony. All manuscripts must be prepared with the highest ethical standards in mind, following the guidelines above.