Empowerment Initiatives: Diverse Paths to Positive Change

The Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA)
In the civil society strengthening component, the project aims to enhance the capacity, voice, independence, and sustainability of Civil Society Organizations as effective child rights actors in the dynamic Sri Lankan context. Simultaneously, in the second focus area, it empowers children by providing them with increased capacity and opportunities to express their views on child rights issues and actively influence relevant policies and practices that affect their lives across all societal levels.
Collective Action Against Period Poverty (CAAPP)
- Self-reflective and gender-transformative dialogue at the individual, family, and community level
- Right-based Awareness programs
- Skill development
- Building Male-allyship
- Service Coordination and Networking
- Advocacy

Humanitarian Emergency Response Project
Sri Lanka’s recent humanitarian crisis bears witness to the capacity gaps of the local CSOs in leading or implementing humanitarian programs – which are evident in areas such as organizational capacity, networking, fundraising, technical expertise, and stakeholder engagement. Additionally, the existing humanitarian response plans lack inclusivity, particularly concerning the needs and participation of women and children.
Hence, this collaborating launched this Humanitarian Fund (HF) project aimed at bridging these gaps and addressing evolving societal needs. The main objective is to enhance the capacity of local actors, including women and children’s groups, to build and strengthen child- and women-led, gender- and child-sensitive disaster preparedness and response mechanisms.